Production Design Week

Narrative and Production Design

Mexico City, Mexico
October 26
12:00 – 14:00 CST
Escuela Nacional de Artes Cinematográficas
Mario de La Cueva s/n, C.U., Coyoacán, 04510 , 04510 Mexico City
Narrativa y Diseño de Producción
Clase Magistral con Eugenio Caballero, un renombrado Director de Arte y Diseñador de Producción originario de la Ciudad de México, es una figura influyente en la industria cinematográfica. Estudió Historia del Arte e Historia del Cine en Italia antes de comenzar su exitosa carrera en cortometrajes y videos musicales. Su talento lo ha llevado a ser nominado dos veces al premio de la Academia de Cine de EE. UU., ganando un Oscar por su trabajo en "El Laberinto del Fauno". Ha recibido numerosos premios y nominaciones, incluidos los "Art Director's Guild Award", "Ariel", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association" y "Gold Derby Award", entre otros. Ha colaborado en cerca de 30 películas, trabajando con directores de renombre como Alfonso Cuarón, Alejandro González Iñárritu y Jim Jarmusch. Además, ha sido jurado en festivales internacionales y es miembro de prestigiosas academias cinematográficas. Su dedicación y habilidad continúan destacando en la industria mientras trabaja en emocionantes proyectos de cine y streaming. Con ocho nominaciones al "Ariel" mexicano y múltiples victorias, su contribución al mundo del cine es innegable.

Master Class with Eugenio Caballero, a renowned Art Director and Production Designer originally from Mexico City, an influential figure in the film industry. He studied Art History and Film History in Italy before beginning his successful career in short films and music videos. His talent has led him to be nominated twice for a U.S. Academy Award, winning an Oscar for his work in "Pan's Labyrinth". He has received numerous awards and nominations, including the "Art Director's Guild Award", "Ariel", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association" and "Gold Derby Award", among others. He has collaborated on nearly 30 films, working with renowned directors such as Alfonso Cuarón, Alejandro González Iñárritu and Jim Jarmusch. In addition, he has been a juror at international festivals and is a member of prestigious film academies. His dedication and skill continue to stand out in the industry as he works on exciting film and streaming projects. With eight " Mexican Ariel" nominations and multiple wins, his contribution to the world of film is undeniable.

About the Organizer:

CINEARQ es una iniciativa estudiantil de la Liga Nacional de Estudiantes de Arquitectura de México (LINEA México), apoyada por profesores y directivos de la Facultad de Arquitectura (FA) y la Escuela Nacional de Artes Cinematográficas (ENAC) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

CINEARQ is a student initiative of the National League of Architecture Students of Mexico (LINEA Mexico), supported by professors and directors of the Faculty of Architecture (FA) and the National School of Cinematographic Arts (ENAC) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).