Production Design Week

Production Design, Qualifications and Skills

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
October 27
14:00 – 16:00 BRT
Ladeira da Glória, 26 - Glória, 22211-122 Rio de Janeiro
The realization of an audiovisual production design project involves people working in different roles, such as set design, art production, costume design and others. Professionals working in the functions listed above will take part in the panel, reflecting on their training trajectories and their work in teaching spaces.
The panel will also bring reflections on the challenges of professional training and updating in the art department that involves functions and skills as diverse as the art department. The panel will feature:
- Emily Pirmez is a visual artist, set designer and production designer. She has worked in the theater as a set designer and also with art painting and props. Since 2011 she has been part of the Palco Escola cultural center of the Armazém Cultural das Artes.She has worked on documentaries such as "O Rio de Janeiro DE Ho Chi Minh", "Porto da Pequena África", "Últimas Conversas", "Missão 115", in the tv shows "Baile de Máscaras", "Bandidos na TV" and has taken part in films such as "Vendo ou Alugo", "Flores Raras", "Tainá, a origem", "180 graus", "Mauá O Imperador e o Rei", "Memórias do Cárcere" and others. - Paloma Buquer has a major in History (UFF) and a postgraduate degree in Audiovisual Production (ESPM-RIO). She has been working in the Art Department of the audiovisual market for 18 years, with experience in various formats: Films (feature films/shorts), free-to-air and pay-TV, Advertising, Music Videos and Streaming.In the teaching field, she has taught Production Design for three years in the undergraduate program of Film and Audiovisual Production at ESPM-RJ.At Senac Lapa Scipião's Audiovisual Art Direction postgraduate course in 2021, she taught for one semestre the subject: Executive Art Production. In addition to these experiences, she has lectured at the Nóis na Fita project, the Instituto de Cinema - SP, UNESP, among others. She is currently the Art Producer (Set Decorator) for the film: "Ainda estou aqui", by director Walter Salles.
- Simone Melo is an educator, artist and designer. She has a degree in Industrial Design (Visual Communication + Product Design (1994) and a master's degree in Design (2016), both from ESDI-UERJ. She is studying Art Education at PUC/RJ and Psychopedagogy, with an emphasis on Art Inclusion at Faculdade Metropolitana (2019-2020).She currently develops walking art projects in squares, inclusive art for children, sustainable scenography, classes in museums and design of various exhibitions.
As a researcher and lover of collections of popular arts, indigenous cultures and authors, Brazilian artistic expressions and public spaces for art and culture, she has been looking for community and inclusive actions in these environments.She specializes in drawing exhibitions and itinerant sets and has been working with institutional teams for over 25 years. She also collaborates in academic formation as a university teacher, since 2015, in Interior Design, Visual Merchandising and Scenography courses, within the subjects of Expography and Scenotechnics, at the Veiga de Almeida University. Since 2017, she has been coordinating the program of courses in scenic crafts and design called Metamorfoses da Caixa Preta, which is currently being held at Armazém Cultural das Artes, where, as an associate, she has been strengthening significant artistic and social management actions to pass on the knowledge of this collective of technicians, workshop workers, artists and set designers.
- Tatiana Rodrigues is a costume designer. She graduated in Performing Arts from Uni-Rio with a degree in Scenography and Costume Design. She has a postgraduate degree in Behavior and Consumption Research from Senai-Cetiqt. She has been working as a costume designer since 1996, in Theater, Cinema, TV, Streaming and Advertising. She has designed costumes for several films, TV Globo and Record, making soap operas and tv shows, many plays, an Opera and many films in National Cinema.Currently filming the feature "Auto da Compadecida 2".
- Tainá Xavier: PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Cinema at UFF, she has a degree in Cinema at UFF and a master's degree in Visual Arts from UFRJ's School of Fine Arts. She has worked on production design, art department and art production for over 20 years. She recently signed production design for Paulo Halm's feature film “De pai prá filho”, which is currently being finalized. She is responsible for the production design of series and feature and short films, including the feature films "Homem Onça" (2021), "Noites de Reis" (2012) and "Praça Saens Peña" (2008) by Vinícius Reis and "No Meu Lugar" (2008) by Eduardo Valente. She took part in the art department of various TV Globo programs from 1998 to 2008. She teaches Cinema and Audiovisual at the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM Rio).

About the Organizer:

Brada is a collective of Women Production Designers of Brazil founded in 2020 and since then has brought together over 150 women from different regions of the country. The desire and need for collaboration and community led to the formation of the group. The members have a common interest in researching, discussing and promoting the importance of Production Design in the Brazilian and international spheres, with the goal of seeking equity, solidarity and cooperation in the audiovisual industry. In 3 years, BRADA has articulated a series of initiatives dedicated to advocating for the recognition, visibility and appreciation of Production Design in the construction of visual storytelling, such as roundtable discussions, festival awards, as well as educational and research activities.